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Immigrant Rights
The immigrant rights struggle is one of the most important current issues for the United States. How this issue is playing out and will play out in our communities must be not just monitored, but actively engaged and guided using internationally recognized principles of human rights.

A Day of Action for Immigrant Rights
Thursday, May 1st

Pickets at the RNC and DNC offices on Capitol Hill:
Gather at the Capitol South Metro at 12:30 pm

Mass Rally in Malcolm X Park: 4PM
March through the Community: 6PM
16th and Euclid Sts. NW Washington D.C.

Metro: Columbia Heights

With national elections underway, this is a critical time for advocates of justice for immigrant communities to raise our voices in solidarity. Raids and deportations continue to tear families apart, both across the country and within the Washington metropolitan region. We aim to challenge the climate of fear that these raids have produced and to show that the immigrant community will not be silenced. We invite all organizations committed to the struggle for social justice to join us in making this mobilization a success.

Our demands include:

* Immigration Reform with Justice and Dignity for All
* Stop the Raids, Deportations, and Use of No-Match Letters
* Rescind the Anti-Immigrant Resolution in Prince William County
* Declare the District of Columbia a Sanctuary City for Immigrants
* Establish Workers Centers in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia
* Support the Right of Return for Mount Pleasant
Tenants Displaced by the Recent Fire

Sponsored by: The May 1st 2008 Coalition
Including Mexicanos Sin Fronteras, the Metro D.C. Interfaith Sanctuary Network, D.C. Jobs with Justice, the D.C. Alliance for Immigrant Justice, Tenants & Workers Support Committee, Virginia Justice Center, Casa de Maryland, The Virginia Immigrant Peoples Coalition and many others.

To Endorse or Receive More Information, email or call 202-640-5315

In the face of escalating attacks on immigrant peoples nationwide, especially in nearby Prince William County, people throughout the region have united to say ¡Ya Basta! Enough! The May 1, 2008 Coalition has been meeting weekly to plan the annual May 1 Day of Action for Immigrant Rights. (See below)

Although our work is entirely volunteer, there are many expenses that must be met. These costs include: a sound system, Porta-Potties, banner & sign materials, printing costs, transportation and more. We must raise at least $3,500 over the next week to meet these basic needs. Those who canÂ't help financially but wish to volunteer can call 202-640-5315.

Your contributions can be sent to Mexicanos Sin Fronteras / Mexicans Without Borders, PO Box K, Woodbridge, VA. 22191. (Please note Â"For May 1Â") For tax deductible contributions of more than $100, please send your check made out to Wesley United Methodist Church 5312 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20015 C/O David Thurston. (Again, note "for May 1" Please forward this appeal widely.)

¡El Pueblo Unido Jamas Seran Vencido!
The People United Will Never Be Defeated!

The Defenders brings a delegation of African American community activists to strategic planning meeting of the Virginia Immigrant Peoples Coalition (VIPC) on Saturday, April 12, 2008.
The Defenders is working with organizations like Mexicanos Sin Fronteras (MSF), the Virginia Immigrant Peoples Coalition (VIPC), The People United and many individuals working to defend immigrant and working people from the oppressive, discriminatory and inhumane processes being unleashed by bad legislation and the repressive collaborations being developed between local law enforcement and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
These collaborations mean that raids on homes and workplaces are happening on a near weekly basis here in Virginia. Amelia County homes and the Cargil Plant both suffered recent raids, resulting in dozens of arrests, family separations that may become permanent. Prince William County has been a nexus point for local policies which target and criminalize undocumented people for arrest, detainment and deportation. In spite of months of demonstrations drawing 1,500 to 8,000 people opposing a resolution that began implementation on March 3 of this year, police in that county are empowered, going through training and already acting as defacto immigration officials.
These actions are taking place with extreme disregard for the impact on the men, women and children involved, as well as the communities in which they live.  The atmosphere of fear and resentment is building and communities are losing workers at a rate that is beginning to devastate local economies.  Similar and harsher tactics are causing real economic damage in areas across the country.
Socially, one of the most dangerous aspect is the onslaught of attempts to drive a wedge between the Black and Latino peoples. The STANDARD, LONG-PRACTICED DIVIDE and CONQUER strategy is employing "competition for jobs" as the primary tactic to keep workers attacking each other rather than focusing their vast numbers and potential power on changing the responsible system that is responsible for manipulating labor opportunities.  And, unfortunately, this strategy has typically resulted in ethnic and racial prejudices that could be and should be eliminated with just a little practical and historical information. 
The Defenders was recently able to participate in a meeting between representatives of MSF and the State Conference of the NAACP.  As a result a relationship based on shared human rights principles is developing, and the president of the NAACP's board has attended rallies and press conference during the recent Virginia General Assembly session, speaking forcefully in support of immigrant rights and unity between the communities.
There is much to follow and much to do. Please stay informed and engaged.

Read editorial on the historic reasons for alliance between the Black and Latina/o communities.

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