Virginia Anti-War Network
Principles of Unity
(aka The Green Sheet)
Adopted Jan. 8, 2005
We stand in solidarity with the peoples of the world
in their struggles for freedom, justice and independence. We recognize that oppressed and formerly colonized peoples have
the right to self-determination and must be free to pursue their own paths to liberation as they see fit.
For this reason, we are opposed to all attempts by the U.S. government to control the world’s countries, peoples
and resources for the benefit of multinational banks and corporations. We oppose all invasions, occupations and "pre-emptive
attacks," as well the imposition of sanctions or blockades, whether by the United States alone, by U.S.-led coalitions, or
by the United Nations at the behest of the U.S. We reject the politics of fear that would have us support war under the pretext
of national security and so prevent us from understanding and addressing the root causes of conflict in the world today -
poverty, oppression and exploitation.
We recognize that our struggles here at home for economic and social justice are part and parcel of the worldwide struggles
of all humanity. We understand that, just as we cannot be free until all people are free, people around the world will benefit
from a strong, progressive movement here in the United States.
For this reason, we will do our best to ally the struggles for justice here at home with our opposition to wars
abroad. We will demand jobs and social services, not wars; money for education, health care, housing, transportation and food,
not bombs. We will fight to preserve the environment here as we fight against the military destruction of the environment
of other countries.
We recognize that classism, racism, sexism and the oppression of lesbians, gays, bisexuals
and transgender people are tools that are used to divide and weaken us. We pledge to make fighting these oppressions
a foundation of our movement.
We understand that whenever Washington launches another war or occupation, it is the working-class people who fight
and die, while the privileged few collect their profits. We know that the GIs who are forced to bear the cost of these wars
are our sisters and brothers and potential allies. We pledge to support their increasing resistance to being sacrificed for
Wall Street interests. We stand in solidarity with veterans and their families as they fight to defend the benefits promised
them by the U.S. government.
While we recognize the momentous battles by the Black community and the women’s movement to win the right to
vote, and pledge to do our utmost to help defend that right which is still under attack today, we also understand that voting
alone will not end war, poverty and oppression. Instead, we place our faith in the mass mobilization of the people, especially
poor and working-class people, and the Black, Latino, Asian, Native American and other communities of color, and not in any
politician or electoral party.
And finally, we pledge to support each other. We will not tolerate any attacks by the police, FBI or "Homeland Security"
on any sections of our movement, particularly those from the Muslim and Arab-American communities who are now receiving the
brunt of official repression. We will adopt the timeless union slogan, "An Injury to One is an Injury to All."
We will stand together, struggle together, and together, we will win!